By user3 on Sunday, 05 November 2017
Category: Forces Equine

Well done to Tracey Day & Kat Allison

WELL DONE to friend of FE Tracey Day & FE Member Kat Alison who took Debi Heath Frenh's roll of cheer leader! Report by Tracey Day "So the beds police show jumping team did very well today competing at the royal horse artillery in London. Due to kats horse being lame we were joined by GNR Collins from the Kings Troop to make up our team and We won the team jumping. Harvey jumped two clears with me and mo jumped two clears with Andrea, meaning that we were to compete against the clock against each other to see who would win the individual. Harvey jumped a super clear against the clock to win the individual, leaving Andrea in 2nd place. Beds police in top two spots makes me super proud. Then it was time for fault and out. One round against the clock but if you have a fault then you are OUT. I was thrilled when harvey completed his fourth clear of the day in good speed to secure yet another first place and Andrea and mo were clear to come in at fourth place. What a fantastic day, at a fantastic venue competing against some super friendly people and to come home with a team cup and lots of other prizes and rosettes. Many thanks to kat for coming to help and support"