Forces Equine Logo Web
Forces Equine Logo Web

Inter Police Constabulary League

1st April - 31st March

The FE IPC League

Dressage League

115BAKER NieveMarley BlaneySouth East & East
29HADDON NinaLunaMidlands
37BOSANQUET ElinorDanaway LennonScotland
4=4BOSANQUET ElinorDanaway MattyScotland
4=4BALL ChantalLaisaMidlands
176EVANS HelenGrandmas LegacyWales
247BOSANQUET ElinorDanaway MattyScotland
344NELLIS SuzannahNenthorn Red SquirrelNorth East
427BAKER NieveKeyboardSouth East & East
56ALLRIGHT MarisaLinali Olympic DrumMidlands
122BAKER NieveKeyboardSouth East & East
221NELLIS SusannahNenthorn Red SquirrelNorth East
312WHEATLEY LesleyDetroit GHNorth East
4=4ALLRIGHT MarisaLinali Olympic DrumMidlands
4=4HARBORNE FrancescaPortnashangan SilverSouth East & East
134ROBERTS ElizabethSimply JoleneSouth East & East
229MORGAN ImogenAbbeyside PaddySouth West & Central
317WHEATLEY Lesley Detroit GHNorth East
410LOVEGROVE TraceyViceroys FernhillMidlands
54LANIGAN AdrienneSantorini lllNorth West

New for 2024 with the Championship Final being held at #FEG2025.

This league comprises of both affiliated and unaffiliated scores within Show Jumping & Dressage, including online dressage scores achieved through our partners at Dressage Anywhere.

All scores go towards the "Coppers v Custodians" Championships at #FEG (See Qualifications)

**NOTE. For security purposes, we have included areas that your place of works falls into, for more on this, please see our FE Areas. Please ensure that you let us know what area you come under.

Can we only compete in our region?

You can compete anywhere in the UK! The IPCL points you gain will be allocated to your IPCL leader board irrelevant of where in the country you gained these points.

Can my friend and I both ride the same horse?

Yes! Horses can compete in up to two tests per day per rider and this can be with different riders, at the same or different levels. Just remember your horse can only do a maximum of four tests a day.

Can I compete on two different horses in the same level?

Yes! If you are riding two different horses at the same level, or if you are riding the same horse at two different levels, this is ok.


To be eligible for this league, Horse/Rider combination must not have competed at a National competition final. This is a grassroots league ONLY.

60 - 61.99%2
62 - 63.99%3
64 - 65.99%4
66 - 67.99%5
68 - 69.99%6
70 - 71.99%7
72 - 73.99%8
74 - 75.99%9
76 - 77.99%10
78 - 79.99%11
80.00% +12

The top 10 in each league as at the 31st March will qualify for the Championships at #FEG.


1st place winners in each level will go through to the Coppers v Custodians final at #FEG where you will have the chance to claim the sheild & great prizes.

SHow Jumping League

1140BOSANQUET ElinorDanaway MattyScotland
2=28KELLY MeganMaggieNorth East
2=28BAKER NieveMarley BlaneySouth East & East
47BAKER NieveKeyboardSouth East & East
1108BOSANQUET ElinorDanaway MattyScotland
255ANDERSON LindaHoganMidlands
326BAKER NieveMarley BlaneySouth East & East
418KELLY MeganMaggieNorth East
515CODD SusanneDiamond Diva llMidlands
1147CODD SusanneDiamond Diva llMidlands
2128BATTLE AmyBurnhamite SamsaraNorth East
375WALKLING RoystonTwists ToneschMidlands
428ALLRIGHT MarisaLinali Olympic DrumMidlands
524CIANO HayleyJupiterSouth East & East
622HUGHES DanielleEmerald DivaWales
713BELTON SaraEchos DotWales
81FOLEY NicolaPrincess TiabeanieMidlands
179CIANO HayleyJupiterSouth East & East
256BATTLE AmyBurnhamite SamsaraNorth East
354FOLEY NicolaPrincess TiabeanieMidlands
444HUGHES DanielleCaher QualityWales
529JEFFERY MeganBaloubet Diamond SpringLondon
628CODD SusanneDiamond Diva llMidlands
726HUGHES DanielleKinsale Boo BalouWales
820HUGHES DanielleEmerald DivaWales
916ALLRIGHT MarisaLinali Olympic DrumMidlands
10=15CLARK HollieRassan PollySouth West & Central
10=15WALKLING RoystonTwists ToneschMidlands
1211BELTON SaraEchos DotWales
136HUGHES DanielleEusebio DWales
143HARBORNE FrancescaNorthbanks Diamond CavalierSouth East & East

New for 2024 with the Championship Final being held at #FEG2025.

This league comprises of both affiliated and unaffiliated scores within Show Jumping & Dressage, including online dressage scores achieved through our partners at Dressage Anywhere.

All scores go towards the "Coppers v Custodians" Championships at #FEG (See Qualifications)

**NOTE. For security purposes, we have included areas that your place of works falls into, for more on this, please see our FE Areas. Please ensure that you let us know what area you come under.

Can we only compete in our region?

You can compete anywhere in the UK! The IPCL points you gain will be allocated to your IPCL leader board irrelevant of where in the country you gained these points.

Can my friend and I both ride the same horse?

Yes! Horses can compete in up to two tests per day per rider and this can be with different riders, at the same or different levels. Just remember your horse can only do a maximum of four tests a day.

Can I compete on two different horses in the same level?

Yes! If you are riding two different horses at the same level, or if you are riding the same horse at two different levels, this is ok.


To be eligible for this league, Horse/Rider combination must not have competed at a National competition final. This is a grassroots league ONLY.

Attended (Not Placed)1

Double Clear - 5 Points


The top 10 in each league as at the 31st March will qualify for the Championships at #FEG.


1st place winners in each level will go through to the Coppers v Custodians final at #FEG where you will have the chance to claim the sheild & great prizes.

Copyright ©2008-2025 Forces Equine Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Registered Company Number 08203892. Member of the ICO Registration Number ZA052121
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